Every day the traffic in India amazes me. Yesterday I saw a man riding an elephant down the road. Today I saw women carrying large packages on their heads wearing colorful dresses. Children walk down the streets in preparation for school with bright colored uniforms. A coca cola sign advertising coke for 5 rupees (45 = $1.00), a bicycle shop selling tires and rims (there are a lot of bicycles on the roads, along with auto rickshaws, cars, busses, trucks, scooters (motorcycles)), and a lot of christmas lights hanging on buildings which were 'left over' from the Festival of Lights Diwali, which just ended last week.
Here is a picture of a common sight - a truck that has a sign on the back that talks about using the "dipper" at night (flashing your brights) and blowing your horn. I forgot that traffic in India is like orchestrated chaos - stop lights are nice suggestion - yet there are few accidents. People will blow their horn to let you know they are coming up beside you so that you can scoot over. The horns on these trucks sound like a high or low trumpet moving up and down (trilling) quickly.
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