I'm on an assignment for my job to live in India. I tell my friends I'm "commuting" - 4 weeks in India, 2 weeks in the States to the office and to see my husband, another 4 weeks in India....and wanted to share what life is like in India. You'll also find additional blog entries along the left panel under Archives.
Traffic Jam

I was in a traffic jam this week with my driver. Remember the blog entry where I mentioned I'd never seen an accident? We were sitting in traffic, stopped, waiting to move forward - when I looked to the right window of the back seat and saw the front end of a goods carrier (big colorful trucks) scraping the side of our car. It was an incredibly loud metal scraping noise. I was fine, but kept wondering "couldn't the truck driver realize he was ramming into the car next to him?" The driver got out, exchanged quite a few words with the driver of the truck (thank goodness they were in Hindi - as I'm sure it was very colorful!) and we waited for a police officer to get there. I got out to look at the damage, and the whole backend of the car was one big dent with the back bumper just hanging there. Oh my! After waiting 1.5 hours for a police officer, they still hadn't come. Fortunately, I had a cell phone, so I called the HR manager, Devdoot, and he came and got me and took me back to the Technology Center to wait for another car. The accident happened at 7:15PM - and by the time I got back to the hotel that night, it was 9:45PM. Now I've actually seen an accident first hand! I'm also showing you a picture of the 'traffic' of a 2 lane road.
Paula- i am so glad you are ok!
Kim G. :)
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