While I was in India, I thought it was extremely ironic that the hotel I stayed in actually had the famous celebs there at the same timeframe. Yes, I had a 'sighting' of both Brad and Angelina while I was there - Brad when I was coming off an elevator and he was getting on, Angelina when she was checking in on her children at the nanny's hotel room (right near the hotel restaurant/lounge area). The city even had a sign in their honor - thought I'd post the sign on the blog. Click on the picture to see an enlarged image.
Last night (November 30), we had our first snowfall in the midwest with 3-5 inches of snow. I took a picture off of our back deck of our house to show the depth. What a contrast from warm and sunny India! If you want to see more pictures on the blog, make sure to click on the November 2006 link on the left panel to have it expand the entire month of pictures. Have a wonderful Holiday season!
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