Paula in India

I'm on an assignment for my job to live in India. I tell my friends I'm "commuting" - 4 weeks in India, 2 weeks in the States to the office and to see my husband, another 4 weeks in India....and wanted to share what life is like in India. You'll also find additional blog entries along the left panel under Archives.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


There are several different companies in India that manufacture bottled water. Last year when I was in Pune, I remember three - Aquafina, Oxyrich and Kinley. This year, I see more of Oxyrich which is owned by a company called Manikchand and Kinsen which is owned by Coca Cola. The Manikchand plant is right next door to my hotel - and I can see the building from my hotel room. A 16 ounce bottle of Kinley at the work lunch line is 8 rupees.


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