I'm on an assignment for my job to live in India. I tell my friends I'm "commuting" - 4 weeks in India, 2 weeks in the States to the office and to see my husband, another 4 weeks in India....and wanted to share what life is like in India. You'll also find additional blog entries along the left panel under Archives.
Guys from India in Moline, IL

The managers in India asked me to stay back in the United States for the month of April - as they were coming to the US for a series of meetings the last 2 weeks of April. Had a great opportunity to show Devdoot, Jyotiprasad (JP) and Ranjan around the Quad Cities - we saw many sights and had several dinner outings in their honor. You'll see pictures inside and outside at the John Deere Headquarters building in Moline, a friendly visit with a Quad Cities policewoman, seeing the bridge from Moline to Bettendorf, IA and the Mississippi River, and dinner at our home.
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