Paula in India

I'm on an assignment for my job to live in India. I tell my friends I'm "commuting" - 4 weeks in India, 2 weeks in the States to the office and to see my husband, another 4 weeks in India....and wanted to share what life is like in India. You'll also find additional blog entries along the left panel under Archives.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Cubicle decorating contest

As part of the employee participation week, there was also a contest on who could decorate their cubicles/office areas. There were several great exhibits - and when I arrived n the office on Thursday, some of the decorations were still up. Here are a few of the samples.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


There is always something new and exciting in Pune. Last week there was a variety of employee events to get people engaged. I had the opportunity to witness a few of them - and the remnants from the week. There is one of the floors in our building that isn't finished yet - so the floors are still concrete. Employees gathered to have a contest on who could draw the best sand drawing - which is called rangoli drawings - here are the exhibits.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Pune Expo 2007

I had the opportunity to go with Devdoot on Thursday morning to the Pune Expo - which was held on the College of Engineering Pune grounds. John Deere had a great booth. That same morning, we had an article in 2 of the local area newspapers to talk about the company, what types of positions we have and to tell about our history. The ad was in color, and Raj Kalathur who is our CEO for India provided a nice writeup about the company as well. Very cool. The Expo had a lot of workers who volunteered to help out for 4 days - Thursday-Sunday. There was a tractor on display, as well as a miniature setup to show what equipment we make and how it is used.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Week 2 - heading back to India

The next week I was back in Moline to enjoy the snow - and encountered a fresh snowfall as I was home. As I flew over the Quad Cities headed to Chicago, thought I'd show you a few arial pictures of the 'frozen tundra' of IL - along with the shoreline of Chicago with Lake Michigan.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Week One - while in the States

When I was back in the U.S. for a few weeks, we took a week of vacation to see my parents in Tampa, Florida. Jim and I had a great time visiting the Gulf of Mexico and enjoying the beaches. The weather was around 75F and very enjoyable. We also got a chance to visit Disney's Epcot in Orlando.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Back in the States

I'll be back in the states for a few weeks - click on the months on the left hand panel to see more pictures and stories.